adidas在2013的夏天,在台北市地價最貴的地段蓋起了全台灣最貴的兩個街頭籃球場,在dwight howard灌下的第一個籃開始,這個對外開放的街頭籃球場正式啓用,將會是台北市街頭籃球的一個新地標。我們用現場的環境做為網站視覺的主軸,搭配上街頭視覺的風格呈現,讓網站跟使用者一起all in。
In the summer of 2013, adidas built the most expensive two street basketball courts in Taiwan in the most expensive land in Taipei. At the beginning of dwight howard's first slam dunk, this open-air street basketball court was officially opened. It is a new landmark for street basketball in Taipei. We use the scene environment as the main axis of the website vision, with the style of the street visual, let the website all in with the user.
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