Recording design


Recording detail

Lyrics book

Disc and tray

Disc and tray




Recording design

城市橙事 / 汁橙音樂

Orange City / Juzzy orange

隱約穿插在都會夜生活的急流中的燈光線條,布紋質感黑色紗蘿紙搭配雷射膜燙印,加上專輯標準字燙金,讓整體不只是一個單調的構成,增添立體感與時尚感;描圖紙一色白襯托雷射膜閃亮光束。灰紙板光碟盤,加入 Juzzy Orange LOGO的葉子軋型。再來是關鍵小設計,歌詞本每一頁都有不同軋型,以每一頁頁籤的概念創造出一個迷你Orange City。彼此錯綜複雜層疊上,唯有頂端永遠是平的,彷彿在這麼一個不平衡的都市裡生活著,即便過著多麼的顛沛流離,每個人都還是需要有自己的一個生活平衡與美學,來支撐著自己好好地生活著,可能開始、或是結束都是存在著一個平和。

The light lines in the rapids of the nightlife of the city, the black paper with the grain of the cloth, the hot stamping of the laser foil, with the logotype by hot stamping of the gold foil, the whole is not just a monotonous composition, but also adds a sense of three-dimensionality and fashion; printing one color white in the tracing paper, the shiny beam of the laser foil is strengthened. Gray cardboard disc with the shape of leaves from Juzzy Orange LOGO. Then there is the key design. Each page of the lyrics book has different rolling patterns, creating a mini Orange City with the concept of each page. Interlaced layers, only the top is always flat, as if living in such an unbalanced city, even if there is a lot of displacement, everyone still needs to have a life balance and aesthetics to support themselves. Living well, there may be a peace between beginning and ending.



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